I wanted to make a blog about this for a long while and so some products and things listed may have been used on other blogs, but tough cookies! Anyway, this is basically a listing of products...and things...that...I like. God. The words today. These are just a few and they are all my personal opinion, feel free to disagree as it is an opinion :). Anyway, before I babble some more, here you go:
Revlon Grow Lucious Mascara *****
I just started using this mascara about a month ago and I flipping love it. It's waterproof, stays put all day, and it makes your lashes grow! I've seen a pretty big difference in the amount of lashes I have/how full they are since I started to use this mascara. Even when I don't wear it, my lashes are longer :). Anyway, besides making my lashes grow, I really like the brush and formula to this mascara. It doesn't clump unless you purposely do so by globbing it on.Although it doesn't stay on my bottom lashes as long as it does the top, it doesn't flake and it does stay on pretty well. I give it 4 out of 5 stars because of the lower lashes thing. I didn't buy this item so I have no idea how much it is. Probably less than 10 bucks.
ELF (Eyes, lips, face) Liquid Eyeliner *****
I've been using this stuff for a long time, now. I've bought...three or four of them? I love it because it stays put all day (as long as I use an eyelid primer) and it doesn't flake like some other liquid eyeliners I've used in the past. I gave it four out of five stars because I don't really like the applicator. I mostly use it with a small eyeliner brush I have and then it works and looks it's best :) OH! And it's only a flipping dollar!
ELF Studio Tone-Correcting Powder *****
I lovvvvvveeeeeeeee this stuff. Now, it doesn't say non-comedegenic, non-acneagenic, or hypoallergenic so be careful if you have sensitive or acne-prone skin. However, I have both sensitive and acne-prone skin and I've never had an issue with this product. It's probably the best face powder I've ever used. The four different colors are scary, but don't be put off. You swirl them together with your powder brush and they help correct dark spots, redness, and other flaws :) It lasts pretty much all day, too which is amazing. Also, ONLY THREE BUCKS.
ELF Eyelid Primer *****
This stuff I could not live without. I don't normally wear all too much eye shadow in the summer because it creases and melts and just doesn't look great. However, I do wear eyeliner a lot and this stuff helps keep it on until I remove it, myself, at the end of the day. Also, when I do wear eye shadow, it keeps it on ALL DAY and no creasing! The only thing you have to do is apply a small amount, blend it in to your eyelid/where ever your putting eyeliner/eye shadow, and then wait for it to dry. Bam, good to go. Also, only a dollar!
MAC Russian Red Lipstick *****
I absolutely love this color for my skin tone and how it completes any makeup look I have. However, it's really expensive (18 bucks or there about) and it is really drying to my lips. Also, it's a lot harder than other lipsticks I have and therefore, hard to blend/apply. I only gave it three out of five stars for those reasons. However, when you combine it with the product below, it's amazing. All I do is apply the lip balm, give it a second or two to sink into my lips, then apply the lipstick like a stain and it lasts all day :)
EOS Smooth Lip Balm Sphere, Sweet Mint *****
This is pretty much the best chap stick/lip balm thing out there. It lasts for a while on your lips and tastes amazing. I only have the sweet mint one, because I happen to like minty chap sticks, but they have loads of other flavors you can buy. I think they're around 3-4 dollars? I know it's a bit pricey for chap stick, but it lasts you a good long while. I've had mine for at least 5 months and it looks about the same as the day I bought it. I wear it alone or, as I wrote above, with other lipsticks.
LUSH Fresh Farmacy Facial Cleanser *****
I know I wrote a blog about this before, but I really can't say enough about it. It's the best face wash I've ever bought, and believe me that's saying something. Having acne and acne-prone skin is a really frustrating thing and to find something that actually works and stays working? It's nothing short of a mircale, in my own opinion. Seriously, this stuff is amazing. It's all natural, vegan, no strong chemicals or smells, doesn't over dry and doesn't over moisturize. It's just....yeah. Can't say enough. I buy mine online and get 3.5 ounces of it for 9.50 plus 6.00 shipping in handling...which is kind of expensive for face wash but because it works so well, it's worth it. Also, it lasts for at least 4-5 months at a time. Besides being a little expensive with shipping for me, the only other draw back is that it can be a bit messy. I kept mine in a plastic container and it kind of turned to more a clay like consistency when I got down to a small amount left of the bar. However, with my new bar (that I just got!) I'm going to cut off a medium piece, keep it in the container and store the remainder in a cool, dry place. This way I waste less of it and hopefully it's less messy.

St Ives Soothing Oatmeal and Shea Butter Body Moisturizer *****
I've been looking for a body lotion for a really long time that doesn't irritate my skin and also smells okay-ish. Again, I have very sensitive skin and especially my legs when I shave them, it's so hard to apply body lotion with out getting razor burn or some kind of irritation. However, the St Ives Oatmeal and Shea Butter one? Amazing. Now, I still don't apply it directly after or even the day I shave my legs, but the day after? No irritation, no razor burn, nada. It's incredible. Not only this, but it moisturizes my skin so nicely. I apply it at bedtime so that it soaks into my skin over night and in the morning my skin is all soft and stuff. Also, it's only about 5 bucks, maybe less, and you get a decent sized pump bottle of it.
Aveeno Ultra Calming Daily Moisturizer *****
I think I posted a blog about this too...oh well. I gave it four out of five stars because it's 15 flipping dollars. However, it's the best facial moisturizer I've ever used. My skin can be red sometimes because it's sensitive (count how many times I've typed that lol) and what not, and this does help to calm it down. Before I found this, all the other moisturizers either didn't moisturize enough or made my skin oily and thus, broke me out. This stuff? Its the shizz.
Say Yes To Tomatoes Roller Ball Spot Stick *****
Again, wrote about this in another blog...but since I wrote that blog, I've purchased another one lol. The new one I bought has different packaging and I really like the new one better than the old one. The labeling is still the same, but the roller ball is just different and I feel like the product is more easily applied/comes out better with the new version. I gave this five out of five stars because it's the best dang acne spot treatment I've ever used. Although some zits just are stubborn and are ganna do what they want, 'cause that's how my face rolls, most of the time this does the trick. It's about 10 bucks and again, lasts forever.