So....this is only day three but...a five year relationship of mine has ended.
It sucks.
It's painful. So, so painful. I don't think any amount of physical pain could compare right now.
It's confusing.
It's sickening.
It's terrifying.
It's confusing.
I hate it all.
I'm sad.
I'm hurt.
I'm angry. I'm so pissed.
I blame myself. I blame him. I blame our circumstances. I blame the world.
Where do I live now? How do I go on without the person I considered my other half? How will this impact my self-confidence, depression, and anxiety? How could I have been so stupid? How could I have been so complacent? Why couldn't we have fixed it? If only we could have FIXED IT.
I'm trying to focus on the present. To be mindful of what's happening here and now. If I think too far into the future, it paralyzes me, I can't go to a place where I loathe myself because I'm alone and feel unwanted. I know it's happening for a reason. It doesn't make it any less painful. It doesn't help at all.
Not one bit.
I don't know what I'm going to do, where I'm going to go, how I'm going to function in the coming weeks.
There is something to be said for amazing people who stick with you through life moments like these, though. My sisters, family, friends, and even some of his friends...they've all be so extraordinarily caring and considerate. It helps take the edge off ever so very slightly,
Things are going to be messy for a while. Probably a good long while. Eventually, I hope this person and I can be friends. We shared everything together and I would hate to say goodbye to him indefinitely.
Right now I am focusing on work, Christmas, finding a place to live, and not being alone as much as possible. Being alone is the worst right now. It's when my thoughts get the better of me. When I go to dark, depressing places that I don't want to go. Being around people is the best for me right now, even when the pain is so horrible.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Wow....It's been a while! Update Blog.
Hey, all!
I haven't written in a while....because depression is a real thing and sucks when it comes to writing (at least for me), but I've really missed this!
What's been happening? Well....Trump is president. So there's that.
ANYWAY. Get ready for some rambling.
Ryan and I have moved into our own place together and it's been amazing so far. A lot of hard work, but also a lot of fun as well. We recently ripped up some ugly, bunny-themed wallpaper and it was one of the most satisfying experiences ever. Last night we put up our very own Christmas tree, even! I don't even care that there's no ornaments on it yet!
My depression has been....well...interesting.
I feel as though it manifests in different ways now than it did before when I was first diagnosed almost 2 years ago. I am back to taking 10mg of Lexipro every day instead of 5mg. It just feels better, honestly. I feel like my depression used to me be not wanting to do anything, sleeping too much, wanting to cry all of the time, lack of motivation, and so on. Now, my depression is more...sneaky. If that makes any sense. I feel as though my motivation levels are a lot higher/a lot more normal. However, I still have certain days where all I want to do is sleep and not see anyone or do anything. I know that's part of depression-that there will be good and bad days-but it doesn't make it any less annoying.
Recently, I feel as though my depression has really effected my confidence levels and how I see myself, actually. Which is a new development. I don't feel confident as much any more and I really hate it. The way I view my body, my intelligence, my goals in life...I have very little self-confidence right now. And again, it's not an every day thing, but it still effects my life every day---if that makes sense?
So what have I decided to do about it? Well. I'm trying to force myself to look in the mirror and say positive affirmations every day. Doesn't mean it happens everyday. I am trying and for me, that's a big deal right now. I'm trying to replace any self-deprecating thoughts about myself with a positive, optimistic one. It's been a struggle but so far I feel it's helping a bit.
What else...Uhm, My sister got engaged. Like what?! I'm so happy for her and her future husband (gah, that's weird). They're so good for one another and treat each other with love and respect and support. So, that's super amazing!
Tomorrow I am hopefully and finally finishing my Christmas shopping. I mean, what do I mean, finally? It's only the third of December. Honestly, finding gifts is a love hate with me. It sort of stresses me out, so the sooner I'm done, the better I feel. And that means there's more time to wrap presents, make gingerbread houses, and do other Christmas-y things!
I've realized I love food shopping. Which is weird, I know, but I do love it. I think part of it has to do with the super market where I live now is not even half the zoo that the one where I used to live is on a daily basis. So food shopping now is a lot easier. I also like to get the sales flyer every week and shop the sales and wow I sound so boring haha. Don't care, this is me, man. I also try to buy only healthy items or items that can be used in healthy recipes, which makes me happy.
Acupuncture! I'm doing it now! I mean, not right at this very second, but I have been going weekly and I love it! I started going for elbow pain a few months ago and it has been the only thing to help with the joint pain. It's also so amazing how when you have actual health insurance, how much is covered. I literally get to lay on a heated mattress/cloud, get needles poked into me, and nap with whale sounds on for a half an hour.
All in all, not too much has happened since I last blogged.I really do want to get back into writing on here. If nothing else, to challenge my depression and say HAH I TOLD YOU I COULD DO IT! Anyway, I know this was extremely ramble-y and all over the place, but I'm a bit rusty and will try to get better!
Here's to hopefully more blogging! : )
Don't forget to breathe,
I haven't written in a while....because depression is a real thing and sucks when it comes to writing (at least for me), but I've really missed this!
What's been happening? Well....Trump is president. So there's that.
ANYWAY. Get ready for some rambling.
Ryan and I have moved into our own place together and it's been amazing so far. A lot of hard work, but also a lot of fun as well. We recently ripped up some ugly, bunny-themed wallpaper and it was one of the most satisfying experiences ever. Last night we put up our very own Christmas tree, even! I don't even care that there's no ornaments on it yet!
My depression has been....well...interesting.
I feel as though it manifests in different ways now than it did before when I was first diagnosed almost 2 years ago. I am back to taking 10mg of Lexipro every day instead of 5mg. It just feels better, honestly. I feel like my depression used to me be not wanting to do anything, sleeping too much, wanting to cry all of the time, lack of motivation, and so on. Now, my depression is more...sneaky. If that makes any sense. I feel as though my motivation levels are a lot higher/a lot more normal. However, I still have certain days where all I want to do is sleep and not see anyone or do anything. I know that's part of depression-that there will be good and bad days-but it doesn't make it any less annoying.
Recently, I feel as though my depression has really effected my confidence levels and how I see myself, actually. Which is a new development. I don't feel confident as much any more and I really hate it. The way I view my body, my intelligence, my goals in life...I have very little self-confidence right now. And again, it's not an every day thing, but it still effects my life every day---if that makes sense?
So what have I decided to do about it? Well. I'm trying to force myself to look in the mirror and say positive affirmations every day. Doesn't mean it happens everyday. I am trying and for me, that's a big deal right now. I'm trying to replace any self-deprecating thoughts about myself with a positive, optimistic one. It's been a struggle but so far I feel it's helping a bit.
What else...Uhm, My sister got engaged. Like what?! I'm so happy for her and her future husband (gah, that's weird). They're so good for one another and treat each other with love and respect and support. So, that's super amazing!
Tomorrow I am hopefully and finally finishing my Christmas shopping. I mean, what do I mean, finally? It's only the third of December. Honestly, finding gifts is a love hate with me. It sort of stresses me out, so the sooner I'm done, the better I feel. And that means there's more time to wrap presents, make gingerbread houses, and do other Christmas-y things!
I've realized I love food shopping. Which is weird, I know, but I do love it. I think part of it has to do with the super market where I live now is not even half the zoo that the one where I used to live is on a daily basis. So food shopping now is a lot easier. I also like to get the sales flyer every week and shop the sales and wow I sound so boring haha. Don't care, this is me, man. I also try to buy only healthy items or items that can be used in healthy recipes, which makes me happy.
Acupuncture! I'm doing it now! I mean, not right at this very second, but I have been going weekly and I love it! I started going for elbow pain a few months ago and it has been the only thing to help with the joint pain. It's also so amazing how when you have actual health insurance, how much is covered. I literally get to lay on a heated mattress/cloud, get needles poked into me, and nap with whale sounds on for a half an hour.
All in all, not too much has happened since I last blogged.I really do want to get back into writing on here. If nothing else, to challenge my depression and say HAH I TOLD YOU I COULD DO IT! Anyway, I know this was extremely ramble-y and all over the place, but I'm a bit rusty and will try to get better!
Here's to hopefully more blogging! : )
Don't forget to breathe,
Friday, April 15, 2016
Fitness Journey: The Struggle is Real
Hey all! Once again it has been forever and a day since I've written a blog post. Lately I've been very much into taking care of myself, inside and out, so I thought I would share a bit of that with you all.
I think we've all been there. New Year's comes along and everyone wants to get in better shape, eat less junk food, lose weight, and so on. Every single year I was that person. I would stick to my goal for a little while, maybe 2-4 months, and then I would just stop working out or eating healthier. Sound familiar?
What I think has changed for me this time is that I really have made a commitment to myself to do better for myself, inside and out. I've noticed when I work out regularly and try to eat healthier, I feel better prepared to mentally handle my life. My anxiety is less and my depression sees less days as well. I'm better able to cope on days where my anxiety or depression is present as well.
About a week ago, I took my commitment to a whole new level. I joined a gym. WHAT.
If you knew me, this is a huge thing to commit to. Before, I had always thought to myself, "Why pay for a gym membership when you can just work out at home?" And to some extent, I still do believe that you don't need a gym to get into shape. Especially if you're a beginner. There's so much available content now that working out at home really does work for some people.
In my case, working out at home was a good thing...but then I would find myself falling back off the wagon and not staying motivated enough to work out at home. It's easy to make excuses for yourself when you work out at home. Not that excuses don't happen when you go to the gym, but in my case I feel I have been more motivated to work out now that I go to the gym than when I was just working out at home.
The gym at first can be a very intimidating place for someone who's new. Thankfully, my boyfriend has come with me most times and has showed me how to work a lot of the equipment there. Some of the machines are just super difficult for me to grasp, even with picture-diagrams on the machines, themselves. If you find yourself to feel a little nervous about joining a gym, find a gym buddy to go with you a few times! Also, just remember, everyone in that gym at some point or another was a newbie just like yourself.
Today was my first time going to the gym solo and I have to say I feel rather empowered. I decided I wanted to do cardio, so I did 30 minutes on the elliptical. Boom done. One of the hardest parts of working out is just getting to the gym, yoga mat, etc. Once I'm at the gym or all ready to work out, I'm generally pretty good with getting through a workout. And after working out, I feel so much better and happier and accomplished. Proud.
Where diet is concerned, I always find that when I eat healthier, or choose better options for myself, I want to workout and vise versa. I truly do enjoy eating healthier. That isn't to say that I never eat "bad" foods. Of course I do. I still occasionally drink alcohol as well. For me, having a "diet" isn't something that's sustainable. You can tell yourself you'll never eat a cookie again, but how realistic is that? Life happens and food is a part of life. Life is way too short to count calories and worry about eating a slice of pizza with respect to my waistline.
What usually happens is that people restrict their diet: cutting out all carbs, all sugar, all junk food, etc. Then what happens is that once you get a tiny taste of one of those things, you binge and ruin all of your "diet" goals. I know this has happened to me soooo many times. I don't believe in dieting. I don't really believe in cutting out certain foods all together. I believe in eating clean, less processed, foods. Honestly, clean food can taste just as good, if not better than junk. That's why I've included some recipes I love :)
Protein Pancakes:
All you do is toast whole wheat bread. Put peanut butter on the bread. Slice up a banana on top. Sprinkle with cinnamon. OH YAS. It's one of my favorite snacks/breakfasts.
More to come on this fitness journey!
Don't forget to breathe!
My Advice:
Staying healthy can be a struggle. In a world of's hard sometimes. It's hard to find motivation to workout when all you want to do is take a nap or watch Netflix all day or just snuggle with a fur baby (I want a cat so bad). But trust me, once you get up and get going, you will feel so much better about yourself. Yes, working out and eating better will make your body look "better." However, for me, my focus has been on how it makes me feel on the inside. I don't have any real goals in mind for how I want my body to look besides leaning out. Instead, I want to feel stronger, I want to be happier, I want to have my mood more balanced. Those are the goals and the feelings I get after working out that keep me going back.I think we've all been there. New Year's comes along and everyone wants to get in better shape, eat less junk food, lose weight, and so on. Every single year I was that person. I would stick to my goal for a little while, maybe 2-4 months, and then I would just stop working out or eating healthier. Sound familiar?
What I think has changed for me this time is that I really have made a commitment to myself to do better for myself, inside and out. I've noticed when I work out regularly and try to eat healthier, I feel better prepared to mentally handle my life. My anxiety is less and my depression sees less days as well. I'm better able to cope on days where my anxiety or depression is present as well.
About a week ago, I took my commitment to a whole new level. I joined a gym. WHAT.
If you knew me, this is a huge thing to commit to. Before, I had always thought to myself, "Why pay for a gym membership when you can just work out at home?" And to some extent, I still do believe that you don't need a gym to get into shape. Especially if you're a beginner. There's so much available content now that working out at home really does work for some people.
In my case, working out at home was a good thing...but then I would find myself falling back off the wagon and not staying motivated enough to work out at home. It's easy to make excuses for yourself when you work out at home. Not that excuses don't happen when you go to the gym, but in my case I feel I have been more motivated to work out now that I go to the gym than when I was just working out at home.
The gym at first can be a very intimidating place for someone who's new. Thankfully, my boyfriend has come with me most times and has showed me how to work a lot of the equipment there. Some of the machines are just super difficult for me to grasp, even with picture-diagrams on the machines, themselves. If you find yourself to feel a little nervous about joining a gym, find a gym buddy to go with you a few times! Also, just remember, everyone in that gym at some point or another was a newbie just like yourself.
Today was my first time going to the gym solo and I have to say I feel rather empowered. I decided I wanted to do cardio, so I did 30 minutes on the elliptical. Boom done. One of the hardest parts of working out is just getting to the gym, yoga mat, etc. Once I'm at the gym or all ready to work out, I'm generally pretty good with getting through a workout. And after working out, I feel so much better and happier and accomplished. Proud.
I'm still learning a whole lot about the world of supplements. Right now I take: Fish oil, B12, C and D3. All of these are taken for a different reason and I may do a different blog post about supplements. For right now, though, I take them to feel better, really. I take fish oil for my skin and because I don't eat fish very often. I take B12 for energy, C for my immune system, and D3 because I'm a vampire. Also, I aim to drink as much water as possible per day. It really helps me sleep better, have more energy, and stay fuller, longer.Matcha tea:
I'm going on month 4 of not having any coffee. What what. Instead of coffee, I've switched to teas. the main tea I drink now is matcha green tea. Personally, I love coffee. However, my body doesn't respond very well to it. It makes my skin break out, it makes my hormones and mood go all out of whack, and it makes me hit the afternoon slump a more quickly during the day. Matcha is amazing, It tastes good, is pretty cheap, and it's just so much better for my body and mind than coffee ever was. I don't get a caffeine crash like I would with coffee and if you google the health benefits? Oooo. Try it!
Where diet is concerned, I always find that when I eat healthier, or choose better options for myself, I want to workout and vise versa. I truly do enjoy eating healthier. That isn't to say that I never eat "bad" foods. Of course I do. I still occasionally drink alcohol as well. For me, having a "diet" isn't something that's sustainable. You can tell yourself you'll never eat a cookie again, but how realistic is that? Life happens and food is a part of life. Life is way too short to count calories and worry about eating a slice of pizza with respect to my waistline.What usually happens is that people restrict their diet: cutting out all carbs, all sugar, all junk food, etc. Then what happens is that once you get a tiny taste of one of those things, you binge and ruin all of your "diet" goals. I know this has happened to me soooo many times. I don't believe in dieting. I don't really believe in cutting out certain foods all together. I believe in eating clean, less processed, foods. Honestly, clean food can taste just as good, if not better than junk. That's why I've included some recipes I love :)
Protein Pancakes:
- 3/4 Cups of oats
- 3/4 Cups of Greek yogurt
- 2 Egg whites
- 1 Teaspoon baking powder
- 1 Scoop any protein powder
- Cinnamon to taste/or vanilla extract
- Any healthy toppings you want! (strawberries, blueberries, dark chocolate chips)
All you do is spray a pan with non-stick cooking spray. Mix all of your ingredients in a bowl, let it sit for about a minute or two. The batter is a bit more runny that traditional pancake batter, so add less batter to the pan at a time so that you don't have a hard time flipping it. Once it bubbles around the edges, you can flip! It tastes a bit drier than a traditional pancake, but if you add fresh fruit on top it really is a beautiful thing.
Herb Chicken:
- Chicken breasts, skinless and boneless (as many as you want)
- Paprika, thyme, garlic powder, salt, pepper, parsley= all to taste
All you do is trim any fat on your chicken, butterfly it to make it a lot easier to cook. Then you just put as much spice on it as you'd like. Once this is done, you can cook it any way you'd like. The last time I made it, I used a George Foreman grill and it came out pretty awesome. I usually pair it with rice and veggies or make a chicken wrap with a tortilla. The options are endless!
You can do literally anything to eggs and they'll most of the time still be a healthy option. I am a huge lover of omelettes. You can use any veggies you have in your fridge that are about to go bad or any left overs you may have and chuck it in. If you're worried about cholesterol in eggs, use only the whites. Or you can do half egg whites and half whole eggs.
Green Smoothie:

- Spinach, large heaping handful
- Frozen fruit of your choice, handful
- One banana
- One serving of Greek yogurt
- One scoop or half a scoop of protein powder
- Water, almond milk, or orange juice
- Matcha tea, one-two table spoons
Chuck it all into a blender with the liquid on the bottom. Blend until smooth and there ya go. You can't even taste the spinach, I swear!
Peanut Butter Banana Toast:
All you do is toast whole wheat bread. Put peanut butter on the bread. Slice up a banana on top. Sprinkle with cinnamon. OH YAS. It's one of my favorite snacks/breakfasts.
More to come on this fitness journey!
Don't forget to breathe!
Monday, January 11, 2016
Update: Depression and how to ask for help
I haven’t blogged in quite a while. I’ve been busy with
life-type-things. I have really missed writing, though. I find it to be a really
good outlet to speak about whatever is on my mind at the moment.
I’m going to write about my experience with this mental
health condition. I don’t like labeling it as a “disorder,” although, that’s
how you’ll find most mental health conditions described in text books. Labeling
something as a “disorder” makes me feel like I’m “abnormal” as if I am “lesser
than” someone else who happens to not have a mental health condition or issue.
I feel a lot of others out there struggling can relate to that.
So how did I ask for help?
Well, it was terrifying. Keep in mind, I didn’t think I had
depression. I just felt like I was losing my mind. I didn’t feel like myself at
all anymore. I didn’t know WHO I was anymore. I asked for help by ways of going
to a medical professional. If you read my last post, you’ll know all about my
Medicaid struggle to find a mental health provider. My experience with the
medical professional….well it wasn’t the best. However I feel it’s still
important to share because, well, it happens. Some people, even medically
trained, highly educated individuals, don’t see depression as a “thing.”
I went to the doctor and told the nurse as she was taking my
vitals that I was coming in because I had been feeling depressed. The nurse
told me that there was a social worker on staff and that she’d be in to speak
with me before the medical provider came in. I breathed a sigh of relief. I had
no idea they had social workers at the facility and I thought, “Finally, I can
get real help.”
The social worker was extremely nice and just asked me to
describe how I was feeling.
- Exhausted
- Lethargic
- Lack of motivation/concentration
- Aches and pains
- Loss of appetite
- Sleeping too much
- No interest in anything, even things I used to love doing
- Just not feeling like myself
She quietly listened and nodded her head periodically as I
explained a few personal life-things as to why I thought I could be feeling
this way. After a minute she smiled a gentle smile at me and said, “Well, you
just named off all of the most common symptoms of depression. If there was a
checklist, you just hit all of the points.”
Even though it was scary to finally have a diagnosis for how
I had been feeling for so long, it was also such a relief to know what it was.
No, I wasn’t crazy. I just happen to be a person who has depression.
Then. The doctor came in. She ruined it. She kept saying
that I was pretty and had no reason to be “sad.” And she said it about 25
times. The ONLY reason I stayed was because of that social worker. She set up a
session with me for later that week. I strongly believe that had she not come
in before the doctor, I would have gotten up and left without any treatment.
Depression isn’t sadness. It’s not something you simply “snap
out of.” Depression doesn’t care how educated you are, what you look like, how
much money you have, etc. It’s a chemical imbalance in your brain. Some people are more pre-disposed to it than
I am a person who happens to have major depressive disorder, post traumatic response, and generalized anxiety disorder.
What’s happened since?
I go to regular counseling sessions, bi-weekly, with my
social worker. It’s very cognitive-behavioral based. It’s just a fancy way of
saying “therapy that changes the way you think about stuff.”
In addition to therapy, I was prescribed an anti-depressant.
I’ve been on it for about four months now and it has made a huge difference in
my depression. I’m slowly starting to feel myself again and semi-normal. I’ve
gotten back to doing the things I like to do, seeing people I love to see,
being motivated, laughing more.
This isn’t to say that every day is all sunshine and
rainbows. It’s not like that at all. Some days I have to struggle through the
motions of all that depression brings. The way I liken it to is running uphill underwater. You struggle so much just to move, it's exhausting, but you keep going. Some days I feel like I’m nearly back to
square one with this thing and other days I feel like I’ve got this. For the
most part, as of right now, I I've got this.
I plan on peridodically making mental-health related posts
because it’s important to me to open up a dialogue on this topic. It’s not a
big deal to talk about. If someone had a broken leg or the flu, no one would
bat an eye in order to say, “feel better soon.” However, when someone has a mental
health issue…it’s somehow “unacceptable” in some eyes.
If you or
someone you know is struggling with depression, please remember that there are
always options out there. It may not seem like it at times, but there are. Take
me as an example. I thought I was never going to get help because of my health insurance
and the insane waiting list as well as the lack of mental health services in my
area, among other things. Going to the doctor was just the last thing I had to
do in order to get help for myself. I had no idea they would offer me on site
counseling and I'm so thankful I'm finally talking to a professional.
In other
news: Look for more frequent posts in 2016. It’s a new year and I really want
to blog again.
I hope this
was helpful.
Don’t forget
to breathe.
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