Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Smoothies! :D

So, I've been doing pretty good on my healthy-thing...yes that's what I'm calling it! And I've come up with some smoothies that are super good :) here we go!

Banana, kiwi, and blueberry smoothie.
For this you'll need:
One ripe banana
One ripe kiwi
A small handful of blueberries (or as many as you want)
Naked Green juice (or any other juice you like)
Plain or vanilla low fat yogurt

So I have this amazing little blender that my sister, Kelly, got me for my birthday and I absolutely love it. It's supposed to be for a single serving smoothie, meaning one person. Easy peasy to use and easy to clean too! I think THIS is the one I have? Mine's pink, though :)

Anyway, all you do is pour in a little green juice (sometimes I add some water, too,  to thin the smoothie out a bit.) Then about two tablespoons of yogurt, add in your fruit in small chunks and then pulse until it's blended. Then I add about two ice cubes at a time and blend those as well. I'll admit the blender isn't all too great at completely crushing ice, but for me, it gets the job done okay enough.

Banana, mango, cinnamon.
For this one you'll need:
One ripe banana
One ripe mango (you'll use about half of it)
1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
Naked Green juice (or any other juice you like)
Plain or vanilla low fat yogurt

Okay, so this one is my new favorite. I recently read somewhere that if you take in about 1/4 teaspoon to a full teaspoon of cinnamon a day, it really helps rev up your metabolism. So...I already love cinnamon and I cannot wait for the Fall so...this works for me lol. Again, follow directions above, making sure you keep the fruit smallish so the blender can really get everything well combined.

Bam. You, sir, now have deliciousness.

Green Juice and Banana
Pretty self explanatory, I think.Plus yogurt, ice, and a splash of cold water.

A little tip:
I find that if you chill the fruit in the fridge and make the smoothie with cold fruit as apposed to room temperature ones, the smoothies just come out better.

All of these, of course, can be tweaked according to preference and all. I absolutely love the Naked brand of real fruit smoothies! Of course they're good on their own, but it makes it so easy to cut out a sugary drink you may have used in place of the Naked juice when making a smoothie. I'm currently running low on green juice so the next trip to the store will be to try out new combos :)

I drink these smoothies sometimes for breakfast, but more than that I drink them before and after work outs. Sometimes I'm just not 'hungry' before a work out so I won't eat which is a no-no. Instead, I'll drink half a smoothie and work out, then drink the other half afterwards and most likely eat then. I find that if I eat or drink too much right before a work out, I feel sick and need to stop sooner so half a smoothie about 15 minutes beforehand is working for me so far.

My next smoothie, I'm thinking, is going to have avocado in it, somehow....we'll see how that works!
Anyway, I hope some of you out there will try one of these :)

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